Thursday, November 25, 2010

How Old is Old?

I think the age people are considered to be old is around 70. I picked 70 for three different reasons.

One reason I picked 70 is because you start to lose your senses. You might start to notice that people have to repeat what they say when you are having a conversation. If that happens you can get hearing aids. You may also start to lose your sight as well so you might need glasses.

Another reason is your appearance. Over time your skin starts to get wrinkles and your hair fades into white or grey. Your bones may get weaker so you might tend to slouch more. If your bones aren't as strong you won't do active sports or activities like you used to.

The third reason is you might be in a nursing home. The helpers there may need to help you eat, sleep, get dressed, bathe, walk and get in and out of bed. You may not be able to visit your relatives so they will have to come visit you.

Not everyone is considered old at this age. If you eat healthy and stay active you might not be old until you are 99. But some people are and those are my 3 reasons why.


  1. One thing you did well is you had good and alot of details.
    You need to work on is your sentences.
    I agree on is that they will lose there hearing and eye sight because they are old.
    On thing i disagree on is there appearance because a 35 year old could have wrinkles but there not old.

  2. Carmen, one thing I think you did well is your spelling.But something you could work on is run-on sentences.Something I agree with is that someone might need to help you get dressed, get out of bed, etc. One thing I don't agree with is that not every older person loses their senses.

  3. Carmen I like that your spelling has no errors!
    I think you maybe should have worked on is your perids and stuff maybe you should have some explanation marks
    I agree on that is will depend on your healthy on how old will be your old
    I disagree that you wil l start to get grey and white hair at 70.
