Wednesday, November 24, 2010


How old is old???

How old do you think is old I think old is 75. I think 75 is old for lots of reasons. I am going to tell you three of the reasons I think 75 is old!

I think when people are 75 they will be living in an old folk’s home. The reason they will be living in an old folk home is because they cannot or they have troubles taking care of them selves .They will not be able to go out a lot. They would not go to friends and families houses instead people will come and visit them.

Another reason why I think people at the age of 75 are old is because they use a cane. The cane will help them walk. The reason that they need help to walk is because there bones are weak and brittle. The cane will also help them stabilize them self because they are old and weak.

The last reason why I think 75 is old is because most have had an artificial bone. The reason that most have had an artificial bone is because they have fallen. The reason they have fallen is because there bones and there stabilization are weak.

These are three of the many reason why I think 75 is old.


  1. I like that you had many supporting sentences in each paragraph.

    You could work on using more periods in your sentences to shorten them up. Some of your sentences are run-on sentences.

    I agree that people who are 75 can't travel as much. Some elders can't sit for long periods of times.

    I disagree that all elders 75 live in a retirement home. My mom's aunt is 91 and she still lives in her own home.

  2. I like your sentence.
    I agree that people who are 75 use a cane.
