Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Ex. c=50h-p
short stories
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Gods Must Be Crazy 1 - Land Rover - Part 1
Today in Social we watched a video called The gods must be crazy.I learned that some people in the world think that they are the only people in the world.
ex: I went to his house to get his CD.
When we replace the pronouns with nouns, we get this:
I went to Bill's house to get Bill's CD.

Subtracting Integers
Example: (-5) - (+3) = (-8)
Work: (-5) - (-3) =(-8)
Short Stories
Monday, December 20, 2010

Today in math we learned about subtracting integers the rule about subtracting integers is when you subtract integers you add the opposite to find the answer. you never change the first number in the question. An Example is- (+3) - (-2) that goes to (+3) + (+2) = (+5) that is how you show your work!
An example is:(-3)-(-3)=
Did you no that two thirds of the earth is water.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Short Stories
contest. You have to make up your own story and
if you win you can win $400 or more.
My story is called The New Kid.
my short story is about a girl named Emily
and she becomes the New Girl's best
friend. The New Girl's name is Madison.
Every bodies is different. I hope that one us in this class wins
I hope me!
Good luck classmates!!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010

adding integers
adding integers
You add 1 positive to 3 negative and take a way 1 positive and 1 negative
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Today in listening we listened to a story about Apollo 11. I learned that Apollo 11 was the first space mission to land on the moon. I also learned that the first people to land on the moon were from the United States.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Comic Strip
artist in the school
artist in the school
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Science Test

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Science Test
Heterogeneous means that you can see the bits and pieces in the substance. Homogeneous means that all the pieces look the same.

Today in Enrichment we were finishing up our movies by burning them on discs. it was quite easy really. My move was so posed to be a stop motion but I got bored of it and so I turned it into a documentary about the Dam Busters, and the RED ARROWS !!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Map of Honduras

Today in Social Studies we had to label, colour, and write the lines of latitude and longitude on a map of Honduras. I learned that Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua are all countries surrounding Honduras.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
ShamWow w/ Mop
Today in Drama we started learning about commercials.One think I learned is that they motivate you to buy this product!Even if the product does not work they still motivate you to buy the product!How do they do they make you want to buy the products they are selling??? They make there voice sound very expressive and they make it sound like the product they are selling really works!!!!!
we had to find differences
between Honduras and
Canada, like what is the
climate like in Honduras
and what is the climate like
in Canada!
An Example is : 2/5= 0.4
we won the magazine trip
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
ex: 0.56 = 56/100
3/4= 75/100
If you had a number that doesn't divide into a power of 10. divide the numerator by the denominator.
ex: 3/8 =0.375

Today in science we had a test on microscopes. We had to label the parts of the microscope. I learned that when you're looking through a microscope what ever you're looking at is upside down and backwards. If you move something to the right it moves to the left on the microscope.
Monday, November 29, 2010
How old is old? I think old is when you start to get around the age of sixty.
When you are around the age of sixty you have been through a lot so you have a bit more experience in life. You are more wise than say a person who is only at the age of twenty. You would probably not be able to know as much about math or science as a twenty year old would but you would probably be wiser in other areas of life.
Another area you would probably not be too familiar with is the new technology that thats out today. You would not know as much about computers and little tricks you can do on keyboards.You also wouldn't be too familiar with the gaming systems that are also out in the world. It's only because technology is coming out faster then we can learn about it.
You would usually not be as active as some younger people and wouldn't want to walk as far. I think the reason a person around the age of sixty wouldn't be doing cartwheels is because as you age, your bones also age through life too and aren't as strong as they used to be.
These are just some reasons why I think when your at an age around sixty, your starting to get old.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Social Studies
improper fractions and mixed numbers
Example:A improper fraction: 24/9 A mixed number: 1 1/2
How old is old
My old age is 103 because I knew some one that died at the age of 104.
One reason is that when you get old your hair will turn grey. Then you hair will turn white.
Another reason is lots of times when people get old they cannot walk probably. And they have toy use self moving devises like adult tricycles.
One more reason is that when people get old the begin to smoke.
So I think that the old age is 103 or 104. And that is it.
How old is Old?
when your are 95 you can not hear or walk as good.You 95. There are a lot of old people who live in a nursing home so you are not alone.
Your may have have wrinkles and glasses and your have wrinkles and glasses and your hair may turn gray.When you are 95 your bone might break easy, you may be in a wheelchair.
^These are some reason that I think 95 is old.
Lot of old people need special care They might be in a nursing home just like my grandpa. They have trouble getting around place to place, they need canes and wheelchairs.
Old people can't play sports anymore. They can't do running events. They could fall and break their hips or legs or any bones in our body.
Even though I think that when you turn 80, you are old, others might not agree. I guess that people are only as old as they feel.
How old is old
One reason I think 65 years old is old is that when you turn 65 you start to get a pension. A pension is when you get paid and you don't have to do anything.
Another reason i think 65 years old is old is that lots of people retire when they turn 65 years old.
My third reason i think 65 years old is old is that you are usually a grandparent by the time you turn 65 years old.
These are my three reasons why I think 65 years old is old.
How Old is Old?
One reason I picked 70 is because you start to lose your senses. You might start to notice that people have to repeat what they say when you are having a conversation. If that happens you can get hearing aids. You may also start to lose your sight as well so you might need glasses.
Another reason is your appearance. Over time your skin starts to get wrinkles and your hair fades into white or grey. Your bones may get weaker so you might tend to slouch more. If your bones aren't as strong you won't do active sports or activities like you used to.
The third reason is you might be in a nursing home. The helpers there may need to help you eat, sleep, get dressed, bathe, walk and get in and out of bed. You may not be able to visit your relatives so they will have to come visit you.
Not everyone is considered old at this age. If you eat healthy and stay active you might not be old until you are 99. But some people are and those are my 3 reasons why.
How Old Is Old?
For some people, when they are around 75 they are usually retired and sometimes in an old folks home. You experience many things when you are around 75. You have to put your teeth in a cup full of water before bed, you need people to dress you, and many other things.
When you get older you have trouble walking. you will need to use a walking stick or walker. stairs will be really hard.
When you get old your face will go wrinkly and your hair will go white. When you get old your eyesight gets bad and you need glasses.
What i think is old others may think is young. And what I think is young others think is old.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Mixed Numbers And Improper Fractions
Mixed numbers are when you have a whole number and a fraction of another.
Improper fractions are when your numerator is bigger then you denominator.
6 -> Numerator
7 -> Denominator
We also learned how to change improper fractions into mixed numbers. To do that you have to divide the denominator into the numerator and put a fraction for the rest.
Eg. 49/5 = 9 4/5
Also we learned how to change Mixed numbers into Improper fraction. To do that you have to
times the whole number by the denominator and add the numerator to it.
Eg. 5 4/5 = 29/5
How Old Is Old?
When your old you are in a old folks home. You need help being cared for, you also loose your memory. You loose your memory because you have been around for so long you can't remember anything. When you are old you sometimes start getting Alzheimer's (Alzheimer's is when you can't remember anything).
Another reason is that they have to use a cane or a walker. When you get 85 you are weak and your legs get to weak. So it is so hard to walk when your 85. So you either need help to walk or you can barely walk yourself.
When you are 85 you also start loosing your hearing. You can't hear very well and you need people to speak up. You sometimes have a hearing aid to help you hear. But sometimes people still can't hear very well.
There were some of the reasons I think 85 is old.
Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers
We also learned how to turn an improper fraction into a mixed number.
7 7x10=70
70 6/10
the answer is 70 6/10
Short Stories
what age is old but lots of people have different answers.
My guess is 60.
One reason why i choose 60 as the oldest is because 60 to me
is the age when you can't do the things you want to do or do
when you start to get wrinkles and you might start to
loose your mind because of your age.
And one more reason why is because when
you are old and start to loose your mind
you will eventually wind up in a Nursing
Home. Family will have to visit you not you
visit them. But not all 60 year old people loose
there mind and wind up in a Nursing Home.
These are a couple of reasons why i choose
6o to be the oldest.
Social Studies
How old is old?
Eighty is old because most people at that age are in care homes most people need help with walking sometimes eating going to the washroom and even Help with getting out of bed.
If you are eighty or older you are old because you aren't as young and active as you used to be. Your muscles aren't strong as when you were sixty-five. You aren't able to go many places if you don't have the muscles.
Your if you need help with your lawn. Like hiring people to do yard work or just helping around your house. Some people need help keeping there house clean.
I think you are old when you are about eighty or so and can't do as much as when you were sixty-five or younger than that. I think you are old when you think you are old.
How old do you think is old I think old is 75. I think 75 is old for lots of reasons. I am going to tell you three of the reasons I think 75 is old!
I think when people are 75 they will be living in an old folk’s home. The reason they will be living in an old folk home is because they cannot or they have troubles taking care of them selves .They will not be able to go out a lot. They would not go to friends and families houses instead people will come and visit them.
Another reason why I think people at the age of 75 are old is because they use a cane. The cane will help them walk. The reason that they need help to walk is because there bones are weak and brittle. The cane will also help them stabilize them self because they are old and weak.
The last reason why I think 75 is old is because most have had an artificial bone. The reason that most have had an artificial bone is because they have fallen. The reason they have fallen is because there bones and there stabilization are weak.
These are three of the many reason why I think 75 is old.
How Old is old
How Old is Old?
When you're 80, your bones are weaker and you can't be as active.You may use a walker or a cane. You walk slower and take a bit more time to get some tasks done (ex: bathing). You wouldn't be going for a run everyday. You would need glasses and may use a hearing aid. You would go to the doctor's more often for check-ups.
When you're 80, you are retired and may live in a care home. You wouldn't be able to visit your children. Instead, your children will have to visit you. Your freedom is limited. You can't do whatever you want when you want.
When you're 80, you wouldn't have had the technology that we have today. You wouldn't have a television, a Wii or a cellphone. You won't be able to turn on a computer and do the things that we can do today. You wouldn't know much about Facebook or Twitter. And if you had any electronics, they would be way bigger or way smaller than they are today. Instead of playing video games, you would play outside.
I think that 80 is old and these are some reasons why I think that.
Short Stories
How old is old?
I think 85 is old because you will be retired. When you are retired you are usually up early. They have more time to sleep in but they still get up early. You can spend more time with your grandkids if you have any.
You would have wrinkles at age 85. You will not be able to do as much any more but you will still be able to do some stuff. I think wrinkles say you are turning old. You get wrinkles from hard work!
Old People homes are a sign when you are old. You can't take care of yourself. People have to come and visit you. You can't leave by yourself. You probably have a cane or a walker.
This is what I think is old.
How Old Is Old?
The first reason why i think 80 is old is because most of them are in walkers or use a cane. They use these because they cant walk properly. They also use these because they cant move fast enough or get up fast enough. Also because they aren't stable and loose there balance.
The second reason why i think 80 is old is because they live in a nursing home. They usually live in a nursing home becaue they cant take care of them selves. They cant do everything that we are able to do because there bones can break easily.
The last reason why i think 80 is old because of there appearance. When they get old there appearance changes. When it does change there hair is Grey and they have wrinkles.
Those are the three reasons why i think 80 is old.
Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions

Today we were learning about changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and vise versa. Example: 7 2/3 = 23/3 17/2 = 8 1/2
How old is old?

What age do you become old at?
Every day you become older and older.
You will see when you get old you will have bad hearing and walk slower.
You will probably wont be getting out as much as you you,st to to do stuff.
When you get in your 70's you will probably move into a nursing home.
So you can have help with making your bed and talking baths.
When you are in your 80's you wont be going out side to do
stuff like playing sports. You will probably be staying in side and need help with walking and sitting
That is my story about how old is old.
One day we will all be old.
Example : We were cold.

Today in math we learned about fractions. An Mixed Number can changed to an improper fraction by multiplying the denominator by the whole number and then adding the numerator.
How Old is Old?
When people reach the age of 80 they have had a lot of experiences and they know lots. They have probably traveled to lots of places around the world and seen lots of things. If you really learn a thing a day they would have learned a lot.
Around this time some people can still do lots of things, but they are becoming harder. Even though they have trouble doing some of these things they can still share their knowledge.
By the time some people are 80 they begin to forget. Some don't though and they can still tell other people about their experiences.
These are some reasons why I think 80 is an old age. Even though I think 80 is an old age, it may not be an old age for everybody.
How Old is Old?
When you get to be older you can't move around as much. You're bones would cease up and you can't jump up and down like you used to be able to. I think that's why some people use canes and walkers, it's to help them move around easier.
Another thing some people do when they get older is go into nursing homes. They can't afford or can't take care of themselves enough to live alone in a house. So they go to nursing homes. the nursing homes take care of the older people and help if the become sick. Nursing homes really help older people out.
My last reason is retire age. Of course you can not work at all in your life but the government starts sending you money when you get to age 65. It also depends on what job you have.
Those were my reasons for thinking that 65 is an old age.
How old is old?
One reason is that you might be a grandparent when you are 65. You might have a big family. You could go on a vacation with your family or they could visit you.
Another reason is that you can retire when you are 65. When you retire you could do many things like relaxing, going on vacation, or just sitting at home havening a lazy day. Those are just some things you can do when you retire.
Also one more reason that tells your old is that you might get hearing problems when you are 65. You might need hearing aids to help you hear or a cane to help you walk. Or you could learn sign language or have someone help you walk everywhere you go. They would help you bath yourself, help you change clothes or help you go to bed.
Those are three of the many reasons 65 can be a old age.
how old is old
this because you can barely walk, drive, or ride a bike. You can not take care of yourself. You would live in an old folks home. You would have many wrinkles. Your hair would be gray or white. In Amaranth, there is someone that old.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
ex: 2/4 = 1/2 To find an equivalent fraction, multiply or divide the numerator and
denominator by the same number that goes into both the numbers equally.
ex: 2/4 2 goes into 2 once
4 goes into 2 twice so therefore the equivalent fraction is 1/2
Monday, November 22, 2010
Properties of Matter
that means there is 1 part shaded out of 5 pieces
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Science (mixtures/pure substances)

Today in science our teacher put stuff like sugar, vinegar, water, salt, ect in test tubes. Then we had to figure out if the stuff was a mixture or a pure substance with a partner.We were the last class of the day so we got to mix the stuff together.We mixed the vinegar and baking soda together and they overflowed the test tube.then we mixed everything else in.

Today in grammar we learned about action verbs. Most of the time they end in ed. Some examples are: The track star ran fast, The bridged collapsed.
Grammar Rock Verb
Today In Grammar we started a new unit called Verbs. Verbs express actions,events or state of being. There are many types of verbs but the one that we practised to day was action verb a action verb is expressing a action.
Eg.The baseball game was pitched by one of the best pitchers in the league.The action verb in that sentence is pitched.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
BEDMAS. Here is an example and the explaining of Bedmas.
4 x (10-5) + 8-9
4 x 5 + 8 - 9
20 + 8 - 9
28 - 9
ex: Calculation Methods
The calculation methods are different methods you can use for find out the answer for a math problem. The calculation methods are
1. Paper and pencil
2. Calculator
3. Computer
4. Estimating
5. Mental math
Math Test
Estimating products
Order of Operations etc.
Monday, November 15, 2010
order of opperations
B brackets
E exponents
D division
M ultiplication
A adition
S subtraction
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Social Studies
divisionals in Reston.
the grade 8 brought home the trophy
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Volley ball tournament
B- Brackets
E- Exponents
D- Division
M- Multiplication
A- Addition
S- Subtraction


In math we are learning about B.E.D.M.A.S. B.E.D.M.A.S means brackets, exponents, division, Multiplication, addition, subtraction.