Today in ELA, we learned about another type of poetry called a haiku. A haiku is a poem that is about nature or seasons. The beginning and ending words cannot rhyme and it must have 3 lines. The first and last line have 5 syllables and the middle line has 7 syllables.
Snow is falling down
Nice and fluffy on the ground
What fun to play in
Monday, February 28, 2011
Today in health class we started Outcome #5 ( looking at Personal Goals)
-One of my past personal goals was to do my best at score keeping at my younger brothers hockey game.
-How I accomplished this goal was to focus on the game.
-It took me approximately 66 minutes to complete this goal.
-It affected my well being because I felt good after the game.
To accomplish a goal you need to have a good attitude and the willing to accomplish your goal.
Haiku Poem

Today we learned about Haiku poems. Haiku poems originated in Japan. They consist of three lines: 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line. Haiku poems have to have something to do with nature and they don't rhyme.
We have a new computer program called Mathletics . You can play against studenmts around the world. You need a password.d
Friday, February 25, 2011
Gym blast
for our school we are doing gym blast. gym blast is a activity where you go into a coloured team and do fun stuf in the gym
Gym Blast
Today we are having a gym blast in the gym. It goes to about the whole afternoon. It is a event where we do different games. we are split into 4 different teams, yellow, blue, green and red. the whole school is participating in it.
Social Studies

In social studies we are looking at a disease that is caused by water. Like Diarrhea. I started doing lead poisoning and I found out that you could get it from cars with lead in the gasoline. But you get the poisoning from the exhaust coming out. I also found out that there is no cure for it either.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Today in science we corrected a booklet on temperatures and thermometers. Did you know that the center of the sun is 15 000 000 degrees celsius? Also the first thermometer was invented by
Galileo in the 1600's.

Personal Poem

Today we starting our good copy of our personal poem. A personal poem is when the poem is about you. The last class he made us read our poems "A Pretty Good Student" to ourselves. That poem teached me that pretty good is pretty bad, because if your an engineer and only build the bridge half right; the car that goes over it will fall through. So you always have to give your full effort to everything you do! Our personal poems needed: our first name, three adjectives about yourself, sibling of, lover of, who feels, who needs, who gives, who fears, who would like to see, and your last name.
festival du voyageur

on monday the grade 7 students went to festival du voyageur we did Provisions Voyage Et Caches at 9:40 – 10:20, How Did They Make Snow Shoes at 10:40 – 11:15, Lunch at 11:25 – 12:20, Sashes and Ladders at 12:20 – 12:45, and All About Canoes at 1:50 – 2:30. My favorite was how did they make snow shoes.
Personal Poems
Today we were working on our Personal poem.
A Personal Poem is a Poem that describes you.
Personal Poem
Blond, athletic, fashionable
Sibling of
Lover of
Reading, summers, family/friends
Who feels
Happy, loved, trustworthy
Who needs
Someone to talk to, a sister, more friends
Who gives
Friendship, love, affection
Who fears
Running water/creeks, bullies, needles
Who would like to see
Justin Bieber, Devon, Rhianna
A Personal Poem is a Poem that describes you.
Personal Poem
Blond, athletic, fashionable
Sibling of
Lover of
Reading, summers, family/friends
Who feels
Happy, loved, trustworthy
Who needs
Someone to talk to, a sister, more friends
Who gives
Friendship, love, affection
Who fears
Running water/creeks, bullies, needles
Who would like to see
Justin Bieber, Devon, Rhianna
that is an example of a Personal Poem( my Personal Poem.)
that is an example of a Personal Poem( my Personal Poem.)
Today in science we learned what the difference is between a gas thermometer and a liquid thermometer. In a gas thermometer the liquid moves up and down because of the expansion and contraction of gas. In a liquid thermometer the liquid expands and contracts and that how you measure the temperature.
Today in math we started a new unit on patterns. We worked on equations today. An equation is the whole part and the letter is called a variable because the value of the letter can be changed.
ex: 4 y, y= 7
4 y is the equation and y is the variable.
4(7)= 28
3+x, x=5
3+z is the equation and x is the variable.
ex: 4 y, y= 7
4 y is the equation and y is the variable.
4(7)= 28
3+x, x=5
3+z is the equation and x is the variable.
Social Studies
In Social Studies we are doing this assignment were we have to choose one of six topics to research about. I choose to research the symptom diarrhea. I learned that there is 2.2 million people globally each year approximately that have diarrhea.
In math we are working on a new unit which is called patterns today we had to figure out what the letter meant. in these examples the n is 3.if there are brackets on the 3 it means multiply.
example: n+4=12
example: n+4=12
in enrichmnert
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Today in math we did our math test. Our math test was on Ratios.
A ratio is a comparison of 2 numbers
Example 4:6
A ratio is a comparison of 2 numbers
Example 4:6
Thursday, February 17, 2011
In math we are learning ratios and unit rates. A unit rate always has to have the second digit one. An example of a unit rate is 240 over 30. The unit rate is 80 over 1.
the other day we learned what a unit rate is. A unit rate is when a ratio between 2 measurements in which the second answer is example is a person earns $70 in 10 hours so $70/10 hours = $7/1 hour.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Today the girls had a basketball tourniment in their gym. It was divisionals. There were seven teams all together. There were three teams from our school. Two grade seven teams and one grade eight team. All three teams from our school got out. we didn't win.
In math we are working on ratios. Today we worked on Unit Rates.A unit rate is a rate which the second term is one.
example:240km in 3 hours. so you would change the second term to one hour and you divided 3 by 3 to get on so you divide the first term by 3 which would be 80.
so the answer is 80km per hour
example:240km in 3 hours. so you would change the second term to one hour and you divided 3 by 3 to get on so you divide the first term by 3 which would be 80.
so the answer is 80km per hour
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

In math today we learned about rates. Rates are a comparrasin of 2 numbers. We also learned about Unit Rates. When you have a unit rate the second term always is the number one. Say if you have 5hours as the second term. To make it into a unit rate you have to divide the number by 5 and you get 1hour for the second term. Also the line / means per.
Example: $52.00/5hours = $10.40/1hour.
Today we learned about rates. A rate is a comparison of 2 numbers.
ex: 80km/h
This means that you travel 80km in 1 hour.
A rate with the second term as 1 is called a unit rate.
ex: $3 / 2 hours = $1.50 / 1 hour
ex: 80km/h
This means that you travel 80km in 1 hour.
A rate with the second term as 1 is called a unit rate.
ex: $3 / 2 hours = $1.50 / 1 hour
The Great Barrier Reef

Today in ELA we did a paper on The Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef is a reef in Australia that is at least two million years old.
There are four main threats to the Reef, these threats are:
1)pollution from mainland rivers
2)presence of millions of tourists
3) the crown-of-thorns starfish whose digestive systems break down coral
4)sudden increase in starfish
Today In Math We Learned What Rate is , We also leaned how to solve a rate and a unit rate.
Rate: A comparison to quantities.
A unit Rate is where You need to change the bottom number to one
example: $700 $ 175
4 hours = 1 hours
Rate: A comparison to quantities.
A unit Rate is where You need to change the bottom number to one
example: $700 $ 175
4 hours = 1 hours
Yesterday in science we started a new unit on heat. We learned that thermometer comes from the Greek word thermos which means hotness. That means thermometer means hotness meter.
Monday, February 14, 2011
We have learned in math about ratios and how to work with them. Here are some examples:
-6:2 = 12:4
-5:8 = 10:16
We use ratios everywhere and not just in our textbooks, there other places too like any sport scoreboard, like perhaps in grocery stores, and many others.
We can also reduce ratios to their lowest terms, like so:
-12:8 = 6:4 = 3:2 -and 3 to 2 is your lowest term now.
We are working on proportions in math.Here is an example.2 pair of mitts for $6.00. How much for 6 pairs?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Social Studies
Lately in Social Studies we have been working on a project. Our teacher has asked us to do a power point on 5 different tourist attractions in Africa. During this project I learned that Mount Kilimanjaro Is 200 miles south of the equator and is actually a extinct volcanic mountain.
By Alec
By Alec
News paper
for ELA we have to make a news paper. page 1 is your cover story, page 2 is your local news story, page 3 is your provincial news story, page 4 is a national news story and page 5 is your classifieds page 6 is your sports story page 7 is a comic and page 8 is crossword and 9 is a letter to the editor
yesterday in math we had a "game" on ratios. On the "game" we had to figure out problems put the ratio and if it needed to be put in lowest terms then you would figure out what the ratio in lowest terms would be. Example: 2:4 = 1:2
Thursday, February 10, 2011

In basketball we learned all the positions for a basketball game. Theres the post/center, the forwards and the guards. In a basketball game the post/center take the jump ball and passes it to the guard. The guards then bring the ball up the court and pass to the post/center or the forwards. The post/center or the forwards then try to shoot.

A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. There are 3 different ways to write ratios like: 4 to 5 which is word form, 4:5 which ratio form, and 4/5 which is fraction form. You see ratios on a clock, scores in games, at the airport and many more places.
In Social today we keep doing our Africa project.
On my first slide of my power point is on Madagascar.
Did you know that Madagascar is mostly a Tropical Rain Forrest
On my first slide of my power point is on Madagascar.
Did you know that Madagascar is mostly a Tropical Rain Forrest
and most of Madagascar's animal species is found in the Rain Forrest?
Well if you want to learn more about Madagascar just go to Google, but do not get information off of Wikipedia,, or because most of their information is lies. Energy
Today in science, we watched a video on energy. Stored energy is called potential energy. Movement energy is called kinetic energy. The types of energy are: movement, light, heat, electric, sound and chemical energy. Energy can be changed.
Ex: light energy can sometimes get hot and produce heat energy.
Chemical energy in us (food) can make us move and created movement energy.
Ex: light energy can sometimes get hot and produce heat energy.
Chemical energy in us (food) can make us move and created movement energy.
In science we learned that Galileo invented a air thermometer in the 1600 and he invented a liquid thermometer in the 1700.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Today in math we did ratios. A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. There are 3 different ways to write ratios like: 4to5 -word form, 4:5 -ratio form, and 4/5 -fraction form. You can find ratios everywhere like clocks, scores in games, at the airport, shapes and on field trips.
Write 6to7 two other ways: 6:7, and 6/7.
Also there is 9 girls in our class and 12 boys in our class so the ratio for that would be: 9:12, 9/12 and 9to12.
Social Studies
In math we are working on Ratios. a ratio is a comparison of two numbers. a ratio looks like this 4:5. there are three different ways to put a ratio. 4:5, 4/5 and 4 to 5. ratios can be on a clock, in sports,field trips, how many boys and girls, the airport and video games.
ex: there are 8 girls and 12 boys in our class. so the ratio for girls to boys is 8:12. the ratio for boys to girls is 12:8.
ex: there are 8 girls and 12 boys in our class. so the ratio for girls to boys is 8:12. the ratio for boys to girls is 12:8.
Today in art we were drawing mascots for the virden winter fair My mascot contains of 4 countrys Canada, Great Brittan, France, and Germany
Monday, February 7, 2011
Ratios and Rates
Today in math we started a new unit on ratios and rates. A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. There are 5 girls and 7 boys. The ratio of girls to boys is 5:7. 5:7 is in ratio form. It can also be written in word form 5 to 7 and fraction form 5/7.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
In Social Studies today we
are learning the continent
Africa! Did you know that
Africa is the only continent in the
world that is made up
the North, East, South, West
and it is made up of 50 or more
are learning the continent
Africa! Did you know that
Africa is the only continent in the
world that is made up
the North, East, South, West
and it is made up of 50 or more
News paper
We were learning about the news paper. We have to do a big product on the news paper. We have to do every part of the news paper. Such as the classifieds, cover page, provincial and many more. The news paper has to have 9 pages.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Today in garage band in enrichment we were working more on putting the instruments together and also learning a bit about other instruments. We are almost finishing up one song called Don't stop believing by Journey. I'v learned a bit more about guitar then I used to and probably will continue to learn more and more.
Today in grammar we learned about colons. You use a colon between the minutes and hours when you're writing the time and before listing things.
The bus leaves at 5:30.
At the grocery store I will pick up the following: carrots, lettuce, and cheese.
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