Friday, April 29, 2011
Social Studies
This week, we are going to vote in a student vote. We will be voting the same as adults for the Federal Election. Our vote will not count, as we are not 18.
yesterday in science we watched a bill nye the science guy video on caves. did you know that caves form in rock, water, or ice?
complimentary + suplimentairy
A complimentary angle is a few angles where no matter what the sum of the angles is always 90 degrees. A suplimentairy angle is a few angles that always add up to be 180 degrees
In novel we had to read chapter 11. After we were done reading chapter 11 we had to give the definition of Tennessee, canebrakes, blunt and congress. Here are 2 definitions of 2 words.:
Tennesssee- a southern state in the U.S.A below Kentucky.
Canebrakes- little growth of small trees. The stem of a plant, like bamboo.
And we had to answer some questions about this chapter. Here are 2 examples of the questions asked:
1. Why didn't the plantation owners want the slaves to read?
The plantation owners didn't want the slaves to read because the could escape to canada, read signs.
2.What happened to liza's dad when Massa found him looking at a book?
When Massa found him looking at a book he tied him to a tree and stripped him from waist down and gave him 50lashes.
Tennesssee- a southern state in the U.S.A below Kentucky.
Canebrakes- little growth of small trees. The stem of a plant, like bamboo.
And we had to answer some questions about this chapter. Here are 2 examples of the questions asked:
1. Why didn't the plantation owners want the slaves to read?
The plantation owners didn't want the slaves to read because the could escape to canada, read signs.
2.What happened to liza's dad when Massa found him looking at a book?
When Massa found him looking at a book he tied him to a tree and stripped him from waist down and gave him 50lashes.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Tomorrow in school we are having a mini election. The five main political parties in Canada are: the Conservative Party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada, Bloc Quebecois, NDP or New Democratic Party and the Green Party
Intersecting and perpendicular lines

Today in Math we learned about intersecting and perpendicular lines. Intersecting lines are lines that cross. Perpendicular lines cross or meet and are right angles. Intersecting and perpendicular lines are alike? They are alike because they both cross each other. They are different because perpendicular lines have to be a right angle while intersecting lines can be any angle.
Today in Math we we were working on intersecting and perpendicular lines.
Intersecting lines are lines that meet or cross.
Perpendicular lines are lines that meet or cross on a 90 degree angle.
oppisite angles are always the same degree.
Intersecting lines are lines that meet or cross.
Perpendicular lines are lines that meet or cross on a 90 degree angle.
oppisite angles are always the same degree.
Today in Math class, we learned about perpendicular and intersecting lines. An intersecting line is a line that crosses another line. A perpendicular line is a line that crosses another line at right angles. 

Today in novel we learned what the terms station, tracks, dry goods, hardware, and freight means when people refer to the Underground Railroad.
station-the houses of the people helping slaves escape to Canada
tracks-the routes between abolitionist's houses that led to Canada
dry goods-women that were being transported along the railroad
hardware-men that were being transported along the railroad
freight-people that were being transported along the railroad
In math we are working on intersecting and perpendicular lines.Intersecting lines are lines that cross or meet.Perpendicular lines cross or meet at right angles.When you work on them opposite angles are equal to each other.
ex.There was 2 intersecting lines 4 parts in of them was 120 degrees so across from that it would be the same,120 degrees. The other on was 60 degrees so across from that it would be another 60 degrees.
ex.There was 2 intersecting lines 4 parts in of them was 120 degrees so across from that it would be the same,120 degrees. The other on was 60 degrees so across from that it would be another 60 degrees.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Social Studies
Today we did more work on classifying angles. The different types of angles are:
1. acute- measures less than 90 degrees
2. obtuse- measures between 90 and 180 degrees
3. straight line- measure 180 degrees
4. reflex- measures between 180 and 360 degrees
5. supplementary- when the sum of 2 or more angles is 180 degrees
6. complimentary- when the sum of 2 or more angles is 90 degrees
7. right angle- measures exactly 90 degrees.
1. acute- measures less than 90 degrees
2. obtuse- measures between 90 and 180 degrees
3. straight line- measure 180 degrees
4. reflex- measures between 180 and 360 degrees
5. supplementary- when the sum of 2 or more angles is 180 degrees
6. complimentary- when the sum of 2 or more angles is 90 degrees
7. right angle- measures exactly 90 degrees.
In math we are learning different kind of Angles. an acute angle is measured less than 90 degrees, a right angle is always 90 degrees, a obtuse angle angle measures between 90 and 180 degrees, A straight angle measures 180 degrees, A reflex angle measures between 18 and 160 degrees. In todays class we learned that a complementary angle is 90 degrees, and supplementary angles had up to 180 degrees.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Today n social we did a review for a test tomorrow. Did you know that Mardi Gra means Fat Tuesday.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
In Math class yesterday we were learning how to make angles with a protractor and this is how you do it: grab a piece of paper and your protractor, when that is done put your protractor on the piece of paper and mark a line on the paper below your protractor and then mark a dot on the paper above the protractor on what ever degree of measurement you want then after you are done this make a line from the line below your protractor to the line above the protractor. And then you have your angle.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
In novel today we read chapter 8 of 'Underground Railroad To Canada'. Our assignment we had to do for chapter 8 was, we had to explain in 2 paragraphs what freedom meant to me and Julilly.
We had 2 periods to work on this. Here are some examples of
what freedom meant to me:
1. We get a free education
2. Allowed to make our own choices
3. WE live in a free country- Canada
4. Allowed to move and go to places without being abused or chased
5. We have the right to vote.
Some examples of what freedom means to Julilly:
1. Like a whippoorwill, being able to fly and settle where ever
2. To be paid for their work
3. Not getting whipped if you make a mistake
We had 2 periods to work on this. Here are some examples of
what freedom meant to me:
1. We get a free education
2. Allowed to make our own choices
3. WE live in a free country- Canada
4. Allowed to move and go to places without being abused or chased
5. We have the right to vote.
Some examples of what freedom means to Julilly:
1. Like a whippoorwill, being able to fly and settle where ever
2. To be paid for their work
3. Not getting whipped if you make a mistake
Today in math we learned more about angles. Angles are named with 3 letters and the letter in the middle is the vertex (meeting point of the lines). Ex: if an angle has the letters A, B, C, and the vertex is B, the angle would be angle A, B,
C or 

Underground Railroad
In novel class we are reading a book about the Underground Railway. The Underground Railway was a series of secret routes and safe houses that the slaves used to get to Canada. Some slaves made it to freedom but others were caught by the slave catchers and returned to their owners. If the slaves got caught they would be punished, some were whipped others were even killed.

in El.a. we are reading a book about slavery in the u.s.a. and how they escaped to Canada. Today we wrote a one page about what freedom means to me, and what freedom means to the main character, Julilly. To me freedom means that i'm free to do anything i want, go anywhere i please, and i can make my own decisions.
Language Of Geometry
This is the language of geometry.
1-points identify a position.They are represented by dots point b is written as b.
2-lines are made up of a set of points.A line goes on forever in both directions.
3- A ray is a part of a line with one endpoint. a ray begins at the end end point and goes on forever in one direction.
4-a line segment is part of a line with 2 end points.
5-an angle is formed by 2 rays or line segments with a common endpoint. the endpoint is called the vertex.the middle letter represents the vertex.
1-points identify a position.They are represented by dots point b is written as b.
2-lines are made up of a set of points.A line goes on forever in both directions.
3- A ray is a part of a line with one endpoint. a ray begins at the end end point and goes on forever in one direction.
4-a line segment is part of a line with 2 end points.
5-an angle is formed by 2 rays or line segments with a common endpoint. the endpoint is called the vertex.the middle letter represents the vertex.
In E.L.A we had to write 2 paragraphs about what is freedom to you and what is freedom to Julilly. Freedom to me means that if you have a job you have to get paid unless your a volunteer. If you get paid you can buy things like a house, computer, trucks , cloths, you can buy video games, etc. What freedom means to Julilly is to make it to Canada so she couldn't be whipped anymore. Another reason is be back with mammy Sally. Julilly wanted to have lots of water and that she did not want to be whipped anymore.

In math we are learning about angles. We learned how to use a protractor. There is an outer and inner scale.
That is a right angle. This angle is 90 degrees.
This angle you would measure with the outer scale that starts with zero the right side. If you had a angle that was facing the other way you would measure with the left side of the protractor.

In ELA today we wrote a two paragraph essay about the Underground To Canada. We had to write about what freedom meant to us and to the character in the book, Julilly. Freedom means to me Education. If you get an education you can get paid lots of money, that is if you go to college and university. If you go to College and university you could get a good well paid job like a doctor or an engineer. Freedom to Julilly was like a whippoorwill bird it could go where it pleased and do what it wanted to do.
today in math we learned how to name angles and how to draw angles. to draw angles you need to use a protractor. first you make a straight line starting at the middle of the protractor then you make a mark at the number on the scale you want to make the angle at then you connect the mark with the start of the first line you made.


Today in math we learned how to draw angles. First you have to draw a straight line. Then you line up the middle of the protractor at the end of the line. After that you put a dot at the degree you want to make the angle. Then you connect the dot to the end of the line.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Today in social we are learning about Bolivia.We are working on our Bolivia in a shoe box project. We have to get a shoe box and put artifacts that u would get from Bolivia. Did you know Bolivia is 424164 square miles.
Friday, April 15, 2011
in math we are learning how to do pie to get the circumference. take the cirkles diameter and multiply it by pie (3.14)
example: d= 2 cm 2 cm x pie = 6.28
example: d= 2 cm 2 cm x pie = 6.28
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Math Test
Our class had a math test the other day. Some of the questions were 'Solving Equations using Addition.' For example if you have a question like: n + 2 = 15 you will automatically know n = 13, but to prove it you write the question like this:
n + 2 = 15
n + 2 + (-2) = 15 + (-2)
n = 13
That's how you prove that 'n' is equal to 13.

Yesterday in math we learned about circumference.To find the diameter you have to measure the radius then multiply that by 2. To find the circumference you have to measure the diameter then multiply by 3.14 (witch is pi). An example is
C= pi x D
C= 3.14 x 4
C= 12.56

today in science we did a experiment using rocks. we test 16 different rock. we had to fill in a chart. we had to find out what color each rock was and what shape each rock was and the luster of each rock and the streak of each rock and the hardness using moh's hardness scale and there was a section for other info and the name of the rock.
In math we are working on measurement. Circumference is the distance around the circle.Diameter is the distance across the circle and Radius is half of the diameter.In these questions you have to use pie and it is 3.14.
Here is an example: C=pie x D
C=pie x 1.8cm
Here is an example: C=pie x D
C=pie x 1.8cm
In math we have been learning about radius, circumference and diameter. The circumference is the distance around the circle. The diameter is the distance vertical or across the circle. The radius is half of the diameter. When you do questions involving these, you have to use pie witch is 3.14 and also you have to always show your work.
Here is some examples:
C = pie x D
C = 3.14 x 2cm
C = 6.28cm
C = pie x D
C = 3.14 x 60mm
C = 188.4 mm
Here is some examples:
C = pie x D
C = 3.14 x 2cm
C = 6.28cm
C = pie x D
C = 3.14 x 60mm
C = 188.4 mm
Yesterday in Enrichment we played pickle ball(waffle ball) in racket sports.Pickle ball has the same rules as tennis but has a way different racket. Did you know pickle ball(waffle ball) was invented by some men named William Bell, Joseph Lambo, Barney McCallum, Mr. Cutler, Anthony Seiter and and Joel Pritchard and was invented in 1965 in Bainbridge Island, Washington?
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Yesterday in social we watched a vidio on Samuel and Victor. We had to fill in boxes about us (Our needs , Wants And Concerns. Then we had to fill in the boxes for Samual and Victor. Did you know that Samuel and Victor hopped on cars and washed thier windows.

In science today we watched a video on rocks and minerals. Some rocks like sand stone for example is just made up of sand that has been pushed the sand together to form a rock. Rocks are always being created from lava. Some rocks when the are broken apart will shatter or some will brake into a certain form or shape. Even after coming out a volcano some rocks even keep there shape.
Today in math we learned how to find the circumference and diameter of a circle. To find the diameter, you measure the radius (the distance to the middle of the circle) then multiply it by 2. The formula is D=2 x r. To find the circumference, measure the diameter ( the distance through the circle) then multiply it by pi (9 3.14). The formula is c= 3.14 x D.
In enrichment we learned basic rules for golf.
One rule is turn you cell phone off because when you take your swing your phone could be ringing then you will lose the ball.
One rule is turn you cell phone off because when you take your swing your phone could be ringing then you will lose the ball.
On Monday we are going to the Aud Theater to do our drama poems. We have been practicing our poems and our readers theater. The readers theater is called Casey At The Bat. On Tuesday we are performing our poems, the first poem we are reading is Good Morning Dear Students and the second poem we are reading is there is a skeleton in our closet.
Yesterday, we started Chapter 9 in Math. We learned about Circumference. Circumference is the distance around a circle. And in order to get that measurement you have to multiply the pi (3.14) by the diameter.
The C stands for Circumference, the // stands for pi (3.14), and the D stands for Diameter.
Ex. c = // x D
The C stands for Circumference, the // stands for pi (3.14), and the D stands for Diameter.
Ex. c = // x D
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Today in novel did an assignment where you had to draw a scene from the book Underground to Canada on half a piece of paper and on the other half you had to write what your scene was about. My scene was when the slaves got taken to another plantation in a cart and followed behind in a chain gang. A chain gang is when the older, stronger slaves have to walk behind the cart all chained up. The manacles attached to the chains were very tight and made the people bleed. If the slaves fell they would be dragged along.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Today in math we had a math test It was Solving Equations. It had adding subtracting dividing and and multiplying questions.
Ex. x + 5 = 9
x +5 + -5 = 9 + -5
x = 4
Ex. x + 5 = 9
x +5 + -5 = 9 + -5
x = 4
Friday, April 8, 2011
math test
On Monday our class is having a math test. it is on variables and equations. there is adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to solve equations with variables. you have to show all of your work.
An example for addition would be: n+2=4
An example for addition would be: n+2=4
Shoe Box Project
parabolic oven
a parabolic oven is like a shiny satalite dish. the rays from the sun hit it and bounce off into one concentrated spot in the dish. no matter what spot the sun hits the dish it will always shine on one spot. these ovens can get up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit!
We are reading Underground To Canada in ela. in chapter 3 there are some words we didn't know, so we made a vocabulary of what the words mean:
Quaker- A religious group also known as the Society of Friends.
Amble- to walk in a leisurely way.
Plod- to walk heavily, stomp.
Gourd- fruit with a hard shell.
Abolitionist- A person against slavery.
Quaker- A religious group also known as the Society of Friends.
Amble- to walk in a leisurely way.
Plod- to walk heavily, stomp.
Gourd- fruit with a hard shell.
Abolitionist- A person against slavery.
underground to canada
Underground to Canada is a book about slaves escaping to Canada and finding their freedom.
S'more Cake
In enrichment for home ec. we are making s'more cake. S'more cake has Golden Graham Cereal , mini white marshmallows, golden corn syrup, and bits of chocolate. To make it you also need butter and one tsp. of vanilla.

In novel yesterday we read chapter three of "Underground to Canada". After we were done reading it we had to say words that we don't know the meaning of. Like: Quaker, amble, plod, gourd, and abolitionist. Those are all the words that our class didn't know the meaning of. Here's an example of a definition: Abolitionist- is a person that does not believe in slavery. After we finished all our definitions for the words, we had to write a paragraph of 5sentences. The paragraph had to be about chapter 3 (a summary of chapter 3).
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Undergorund To Canada

In ELA we are reading a book called underground to Canada. This book is about slavery. So far in this book there is a girl named Julilly she has a mom named mammy sally. Julilly got separated from her mom and went to another plantation.But before Julilly got separated from her mom she told her about Canada.The slaves were trying to escape to Canada because slavery was illegal.
Today in ELA class we read a novel were started reading in class called Underground To Canada. Some words some of us did not recognize are:
Quaker- a religious group, known as the society of friends
Amble- to walk in a lazy sort of way
Plod- to stomp and trudge
Gourd- a hard-shelled fruit
Abolitionist- a person who does not believe in slavery
Quaker- a religious group, known as the society of friends
Amble- to walk in a lazy sort of way
Plod- to stomp and trudge
Gourd- a hard-shelled fruit
Abolitionist- a person who does not believe in slavery
In ela we are reading a novel called Under Ground To Canada. We just read Chapter three and we learned some new words they are Quaker:a religious group also known as the society of friends.Amble:walking casually.Plod:walking heavily.Gourd:hard shell cup.Abolitionist:people who don't believe in slaver
This chapter was about:The slaves going to a different plantation.On there way they met a man named Mr. Fox and another little black boy.Jullily the 12 year old girl asked if the little boy was Mr.Fox's slave the boy said no i am free he pays me. Mr.Fox was an abolitionist.The boy and chopped wood all day long .When the slaves stopped the little boy gave them a drink of water from the drinking gourd.
This chapter was about:The slaves going to a different plantation.On there way they met a man named Mr. Fox and another little black boy.Jullily the 12 year old girl asked if the little boy was Mr.Fox's slave the boy said no i am free he pays me. Mr.Fox was an abolitionist.The boy and chopped wood all day long .When the slaves stopped the little boy gave them a drink of water from the drinking gourd.
In E.L.A we are reading a book called Underground To Canada. This book is about slavery and slavery was very cruel back in the 1800's . The slaves would have to go out in a field and pick 100 pound of cotton, they would have to do this for about 18 hours a day. If the slaves stop working they would be beaten or whipped by the overseers. All this slaves tried to escape at night and try to find the Underground To Canada. The slaves followed the North Star to find Underground To Canada. The slaves were so excited to find Canada is because you wouldn't be whipped or beaten by anyone. If the slaves got caught you they would probably be beaten or whipped, sometimes the White men would break the slaves ankles so their couldn't go any where.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

In enrichment I am in outdoor education and last class we played Frisbee golf. We played around the school. First you need a Frisbee and lots of hula hoops for the holes. You throw the Frisbee from hoop to hoop and each throw is called a stroke. If you throw close enough to the hoop to touch it then you get a point if you reached it in less strokes then the other team.
Today in ela we did a work sheet on our new novel Underground To Canada. We had to list the meanings of some words.
Overseer: A white person who looks over the slaves and if they stop picking cotton they get beaten and whipped
Overseer: A white person who looks over the slaves and if they stop picking cotton they get beaten and whipped
Social Studies
Today in Social Studies, we talked about Bolivia. Bolivia is in South America. Every year they hold Carnival during Mardi Gras. They have a parade down the street wearing colourful mask and clothing. Mardi Gras is Fat Tuesday, 8 days before Ash Wednesday. It is usually held in Oruro, La Paz, Santa Cruz and Tarija.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
In ela we are reading Under To Canada. It is about slaves trying to escape to Canada for freedom. It is in the 1800. Slavery was legal in the United States and is now illegal in the states. In Canada slavery has always been illegal.

To day in enrichment we just started golf. Enrichment is a class that we do once a week and learn new stuff that we wouldn't do in a normal class. In our class today we talked about the golf rules. some of the rules that i didn't know are that you can step back 2 clubs and still take a shot at the t off. A nether rule i didn't know is that you only have 5 minutes to look for your ball if it goes into the trees or somewhere else.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Underground to Canada

Today in novel we started a new novel called Underground to Canada. It is about how slaves escaped from plantations, which are large farms, to Canada where slavery was illegal. We learned that the slaves had very hard lives. They worked 18 hours a day and if the stopped working they would be whipped.
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