Thursday, March 24, 2011
Solar Ovens
Tomorrow we are starting to work on our solar ovens. There are 3 ways to heat the s'more: radiation, convection, and conduction. Radiation is heating without touching the heat source. An example would be the sun. The sun can melt ice cream from a distance. Convection is heating with a liquid or a gas. An example would be a convection oven. The hot air rises to bake the food. Conduction is when the heat transfers through the object. An example would be touching a hot element. The heat transfers through your hand.
In science we are making solar ovens. We have to make a solar over and the put it in the sun and try to melt the chocolate from the smore. Did you know Robert Yeaman in 1345.
In math we are working on dividing is kind of like adding but you divide. EX.7/7 X+21/7 X=3.the slashes mean divide. you divide the top number by the bottom.
in science on Monday we have to make solar ovens. Tomorrow we have to make the design of our oven. did you know that in 40 minutes the chocolate melted and the marsh mellow was soft.

In math on monday we learned about 'Solving Equations by Division'. When you solve Equations by division you have to divide the first number by itself, and those numbers will cancel out. You have to divide the second number by the same number you divided the first number with, and the only thing left is x. Here are some examples:
4 x = 8 <--Start of The Equation
4/4 x = 8/4 <--Numbers divided by
x= 2 <-- Whats left
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

In science we are going to make a solar oven. We have to plan and design a solar oven and then bring the tools from home to make it. I am making mine with lots of tin foil facing inwards and a magnifying glass with three pencils for the stand so it can heat up and stay warm so I can cook a smore in it.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Today in math we learned how to divide equations. This is how we learned how to do it:
eg.15x = 45 -in order to do this you have to divide 15 by 15 and then divide 45 by 15 like so:
15x = 45
- -
15 15
x = 3 -And then this way you can find out what your variable is in your equation.
Finding Variables Using Division
Today in math we learned how to find variables using division. Example:
By dividing the 2 by 2 in cancels itself out and then when you divide 8 by 2 you get the answer. You can check if your answer is right just by doing the question with the answer in place of the variable. Example: 2(4)=8
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Today we had a science test. it was on chapter 7 and 8. it was heat. did you know that temperature is the average movement of particals and heat is the total movement of particals?
In Gym we are playing badminton. We had a tournament and there was 9 teams, you got to pick your own partner. You had three minutes to play and try and beat the other team. If you get a point you would move to the other side. When you serve you have to go cross court and you had to make it past the white line, when you serve it and if it goes across the white line it is out. You can only use one hand to hit the birdie. 

in science we are solar powered ovens. we have to use the power of the sun. we have to let the heat in, and not let it out. you have to insulate the box and then we will make s'mores with the oven.
Today in Math class we were working on a sheet called Solving Equations By Addition. On the sheet of paper there were questions like x+ 6=11.8. To do this question you do this:
x = 5.8
x = 5.8
We started a new unit yesterday on Variable and Equations.
an example: n+7=11
That is an equation, and the n is a variable in the equation.
the n in this question would be 4.
an example: n+7=11
That is an equation, and the n is a variable in the equation.
the n in this question would be 4.
in science we have to make our own oven powered by natural heat. and then we have to cook s'mors on them
Today in science we are going to have a science test on chapter 7 and chapter 8. its on heat.
In gym we learned the rules of badminton because there are no referees in the game so we could try out for singles or doubles for the school team. The rules for singles is that the court is long and narrow and you always have to serve cross court over the serves line. Doubles the court is long and wide because there are to people on each team. You always have to serve cross court and if your team gets the point two or more times in a row that person keeps serving and goes to the left or right square. Odd points you go to the left, zero or an even amount of points you go to the right square.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Yesterday we had a math test. Part of it was using a coordinate plane. If you mark a spot on the plane the ordered pairs always have the 'X' plane number then the 'Y' plane number.
In math we are working on Variables and Equations.Today we learned how to add equations. there can be easy eqautions but there can be hard ones too.In math whatever you do to one side you have to do to the other side.
Variables and Expressions
today in math our class started chapter 8. chapter 8 is about Variables and Expressions. and example is n + 9 = 39 you would solve that by doing this n+ 9 + (-9) = 39 + (-9) = 30. How i got that was 9 + (-9) it is negative because the other nine is positive. and what you have to do to the one side you have to do to the other side. so i got that by going 39 from the original question and adding the -9 to it. but you really just have to cancel them out and got your answer to be 30!

In math today we started chapter 8. The chapter is about Variables and Expressions. for example: n - variable, n+4=9 - equation. Our first thing we did was Solving Equations. That topic is about solving a problem like x-3=5. If you add a number on one side you have to add the same number on the other side. This is how you do it,
Today in math we learned how to solve equations like x-4=23.
To solve x-4=23, you have to make the four a zero. We pretend that the four is a negative and we add a positive four to it. We also add a four to the 23.
To solve x-4=23, you have to make the four a zero. We pretend that the four is a negative and we add a positive four to it. We also add a four to the 23.
Monday, March 14, 2011
In Social Studies today, we were watching some videos
on the Earthquake, Tsunami in Japan. The scale of the Earthquake
was 9.0. The tsunami wave was 30 meters high. The wave reached
into the land about 20 kilometers.
If you want to help out to send Japan some supplies, please talk to your principle of your school to make up a little fundraiser and then work something out.
Please help out Japan they are in need of food, water, shelter, and many, many more!!
They need our help!

on the Earthquake, Tsunami in Japan. The scale of the Earthquake
was 9.0. The tsunami wave was 30 meters high. The wave reached
into the land about 20 kilometers.
If you want to help out to send Japan some supplies, please talk to your principle of your school to make up a little fundraiser and then work something out.
Please help out Japan they are in need of food, water, shelter, and many, many more!!
They need our help!

In science we are starting a new unit about how heat travels. Heat travels in waves that are invisible to the human eye. Heat can travel three ways: in radiation, convection, and conduction.
Radiation-Radiation is when heat travels through the air.
Convection-Convection is when heat is put directly onto an object.
Conduction-Conduction is when heat travels through an object to heat up another object.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Limerick Poems

Last class we learned about limerick poems. In class we were going to learn
about 5 different poems, the limerick poem was the last one. There are some rules
to making a limerick poem: there is 5lines, the first, second and fifth line
rhyme and follow a 3beat pattern, the third and the fourth line rhyme and follow
a 2beat pattern. We had to draw a cartoon character on the paper then write our
poem so it looks like it is in the background. Here is an example that i wrote!:
A Zebra Named Raffy
There once was a zebra named Raffy,
Who had a laffy taffy,
He lived with a raccoon,
And was invaded by a baboon,
Got sick and hired a maid named Shaffy!
In Science we learned about temperatures and the effect it has on states of matter. (A state of matter is either a solid, liquid or gas.) Did you know that if the particles of an object heat up they expand and if they get cold they contract?
In math we are working on coordinate planes.A coordinate plane has four sections.It has a horizontal line and vertical line it also has negative numbers and just plane numbers .It goes up to ten on each Quadrant.there is also an orgin and it is the 0 it is in the middle where the lines meet.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Today we learned what a Limerick poem is.The poem was originated in Ireland. The first poem that was published was by a man named James Harris.It was published in 1820.The poem I wrote went like this
There once was a cow named moo
Who scared kids with a Boo
One day she ate pie
The pie made her die
and Now everyone goes boo-hoo
There once was a cow named moo
Who scared kids with a Boo
One day she ate pie
The pie made her die
and Now everyone goes boo-hoo
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today in math class we learned about The Coordinate Plane. We learned that there is 4 Quadrants (4 sections) to the coordinate plane and we also learned that the very center were the two lines meet is called the Origin.
Another thing we learned is that if a X coordinate is positive(+) we move to the right of the Origin but if the X coordinate is negative(-) we move it to the left of the origin.
If a Y coordinate is positive(+) we move it up from the Origin and if the Y coordinate is negative(-) we move down from the Origin.

Today the band students had festival. I learned that i have to take in more air. The adjudicator should us two things to practice. The first thing is to but a pencil in your lip and hold it so it strengthens your muscle in your mouth. The second thing is for wood wind so you get enough air but brass can use this trick too. you hold a paper up with your thumb and pointer and blow different patterns but keep the paper in the air.
spirit week
Monday, March 7, 2011
Today in Short Stories, we learned about tanka poems. In the Asian culture, if someone sends you a haiku, you have to send a tanka poem to thank them. A tanka poem has 5 lines.
Line 1- 5 syllables
Line 2- 7 syllables
Line 3- 5 syllables
Line 4- 7 syllables
Line 5- 7 syllables
Line 1- 5 syllables
Line 2- 7 syllables
Line 3- 5 syllables
Line 4- 7 syllables
Line 5- 7 syllables
Tanka Poems
Today in Short Stories we learned about Tanka poems. Tanka poems are from Japan. If someone wrote you a Haiku poem you would reply saying thank-you with a Tanka poem. A Tanka poem has five lines.
1st line-5 syllables
2nd line-7 syllables
3rd line-5 syllables
4th line-7 syllables
5th line-7 syllables
Thursday, March 3, 2011
cinquain poem

today we learned about cinquain poems. The rules on a cinquain poem are: There is a tittle and that would be the first line. The first line has to be a noun and one or two syllables. The second line has to have four or five syllables and describe the subject of the poem. The third line has to have six syllables and tell an action of the subject. The fourth line has to have eight syllables and tell an action of the subject. The fifth line has to have one word, one or two syllables, and describe the subject. An example would be:
Best food in the world.
With a great smelling scent.
Good for a party on the deck.
In science we learned the difference between temperature is the speed of particles or the average. Heat is the speed and mass of particles or the total amount.
In social today we were doing sheets on Water pollution. We had a African Community map and had to label it through a to f.
in algebra you are given a math question and in place of that is a letter. you have to figure out what that letter is
Eg. 8-n=3
Eg. 8-n=3
In math we are doing some algebra equations. An example is 5n+2=22. To figure out that question you subtract 2 from 22 and get 20. After that you divide 5 into 20 to get 4. When you are done the question should look like this 5(4)+2=22
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Haiku Poems

Today in E.L.A we were working on poems. We already learned how to write a personal poem. But this class we learned what a Haiku poem is. A haiku poems is a different kind of poem. A haiku poem has 3lines, 5 syllables on the first and third line and 7 syllables on the second line, the haiku poem originated from japan, haiku poems never rhyme. Haiku poems are always about nature or a season, the first and last words is never the same and haiku poems are always about the same thing throughout the poem! We had to do haiku poems in class, we had to make a background of the subject we are doing in our poems. My poem was about spring!
Yesterday In E.L.A we learned what Haiku Poems are.Haiku Poems were originated in Japan.The first and third line hath to have 5 syllables.The second line must have 7 syllables. Haiku poems can not rhyme.They also hath to do with the seasons or nature.Both the beginning and ending words of every sentence can not be the same.The whole poem must be about one think.Also the poem must only have 3 sentences.
In math we are working on Words and Symbols.For example if the symbol is 3n you have to write that in words which would be three times a number. if the number and letter are together it means times. always put the number before the letter never the other way around.
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