Today we finished reading the hatchet book. Brian Robeson gets rescued buy a pilot who didn't mean to find him. Brian accidentally left on an emergency transmitter that he thought didn't work and the pilot found him.
Today in grammar we learned about singular and plural nouns. Some of the rules are: Most nouns just need a "s" to become a plural. ex: frog- frogs, hand- hands Words that end in "o" need either an "s" or "es" ex: piano- pianos, toe- toes
Some of us finished our word search, we found synonyms for our words and put them in a word search then one of the teachers had to solve them.
Today in math we learned how to multiply things like 4oX500 or 0.05X200. To do a Question like 40X500 you first multiply 4X5 then you move the imaginary decimal to the right how ever many zeros there are in the question. The answer should be 20 000.
Today in E.L.A we read Hatchet we are on are last two chapters it is really interesting. Right nowBrian has not been found I wonder if he gets found in the last chapter.
We are almost finished are unit in science. We are learning about the Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen Cycle and the the Carbon Cycle and the water Cycle. We are having a test this week or next week.
Monday, October 25, 2010
On Thursday I got ainvitation to go to thelife Skills sweet andhaving a pizza party.
Today In ELA we learned about proper nouns and common nouns. A common noun is a word that names a general things and do not start with a capital letter. Unless it is at the beginning of a sentence. A proper noun is a name giving to a specific person place or thing. Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.
Proper Noun: Mr.Routledge
Common Noun: desk pencil paperclip.
Today in e.l.a we did spelling. it is a review unit of the units one to five.We didn't have a pretest because its 100 words.On the real test Mr.R wiil pick 25 out of the 100 and we wright those words.Then we do work out of our spelling textbook.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Today we had a quire come to our school. They were really good at singing and dancing. They sang a whole bunch of songs too.
scientific notation is where you take a number, 193833 and you move an imaginary decimal over so the number is in between 1 and 10. 1.93833 and then multiply it by how many times the decimal moved over to the power of 10. 1.93833 x 10 to the power of 5.
In Drama we played 4 truths and one lie.Some of us stumped the whole class on what are lie was!!!
In the math test yesterday we had to know our factors for one part of the test example: 40-(1,2,4,5,8,10,20,40)
Today in math we had a test. this test was sort of hard but simple enough.
In Drama we played for4 thruths 1 lie andwhat you had to dowas tell 4 things aboutyourself that was true and 1 thingabout you that is alie and it was really fun.
Today we had a rythem test in band. Mrs.Y walked around the room behind us while we played. We looked off the smartboard at the rythems. then she marked us.
Today, we had our math test. I covered all of Unit 1. Some of the things that were included were exponents, factors, divisibility and place value. Factors are two number, when multiplied together, equal a number. Ex: The factors of 25 are 1, 5, 25. ( 1x25 and 5x5) The number 5 does not need to be listed twice.
Today in Drama WE Played the game " 4Truths And 1Lie" . You play the game like this: You tell 4 Truths about yourself and 1Lie about yourself. After WE went through all of ours, WE picked parteners. Lets see if we can do it with parteners.
Today we had a math test.Its was everything we learnedin Unit 1 like scientific notation, rounding, factors, exponents, standard, word, and expanded form,etc.
Today we had a grammar test that involved Synonyms, Antonyms, Prefixes, Suffixes, Compound Words and Contractions. Synonyms mean the same and Antonyms are opposites. An example of a contraction is Doesn't which is the words Does Not.
Today in grammar, we learned about idioms. Idioms are short phrase that together, are a funny way to say something. An example would be " bite off more than you can chew." That means that you have planned more things to do than you can manage.
A couple of days ago we ran a fitness run and wehad to run tokeep ourselves healthy andwe ranfor 8 minutes and andevery month werun a fitness run.
Next Wednesday we haveour first boys volleyball game.
Yesterday we got our science test back. The test included questions about abiotic and biotic forms of life. We also had to list the six levels of life.
Today in Novel we looked up words from chapters 9-10 that we didn't know. One of the that I didn't know was convulse. I now know that convulse means a violent contraction in your muscles.
Today in gym we worked how to be a team in playing volleyball.We Also played are first game.Some of us are on the VJH team we have are first mini terminate on the 13th!!!
Today in Science we went over what we are going to have on our test. We learned what a carnivore is it is a animal that only eats meat. What a herbivore is i is a animal that only eats meat. What a omnivore is it is a animal that eats plants and meat. Remember we have a test tomorrow.
Today in science we were talking about carnivores , herbivores and more. carnivore-eats meat decomposer-eats dead materials herbivore-eats plants and grass producer-produces there own food scavenger-finds food there selves and if they find animals they kill them omnivore-eats both plants and meat
Today in math we went over scientific notation.. Scientific notation is when you have a big number and you make the number bigger than 1 but less than 10.. Then you times the number by a power of 10.. An example is: standard form: 324 000 000 scientific notation: 3.24 times by 10 to the 5th power and you get 324 000 000 again..