A collection of posts from the classroom of Room 106!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Today in enrichment I learned about how to check your tire width with a special tool. I also learned other different things about tires. I can't wait until next class.
Today we had bus Safety. We learned not to walk in front of the hood because the driver can't see over the hood. We also learned to stop at all the flashing lights and stop signs or else you will get a fine.
Thursday September the 23rd we started selling magazines!!!We sell magazines ever year!!!!!Today has are first collection day.It was also a double day!!!!!!!!!!
Did you know that the lady who started the readers digest(the worlds best selling magazine) is from Virden Manitoba Canada!!!!!!
We had bus safety today. we learned that the danger zones are ten feet in front of the bus and ten feet beside the back wheel.we also learned how to get in and out of the back door properly.
Today in Social Studies we learned about other countries and how some people starve and that leads to sickness and when your sick you can't go to school so if your not educated it is harder to get a job which means you have less and less money.
Every year at our school we have a magazine campaign our first collection day was today our class brought in 77 subscriptions and we made $2940.95. Witch ever class sells the most magazines gets to go on a trip.
Today in Math we were learning about exponents. An example is 105. 105 in standard form is 10x10x10x10x10. Then when we were done we got to play a game. We had to answer questions on exponents.
Today in math we are learning about exponents.We corrected our work from Friday and then we had a little test.Its like a open book test.An example would be 2x2x2, the power would be 3 cubed.
Friday, September 24, 2010
In Gym we are learning how to use under hand andover hand for volleyball.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
grammer today in grammer we were doing contractions a contraction is a word formed by joining two other words
Today in E.L.A we wrote a driay about three major things that happened to brian in the book we are reading, Hatchet.First we wrote a rough copy then the good copy.In the good copy Mr.R is testing us on accurtate details, good sentences, spelling, neatness, and completion.
Today in ELA we learned what suffixes are and different meanings of suffixes. An example of a suffix is the -ious in mysterious. This means full of mystery.
In Drama we are learning the proper way to interview someone!!!
WE have to interview our partner in the front of the class!!!
Today in Health, we watched a video on food allergies. Some things I learned were: 1. Eight foods cause 90% of food allergies. 2. Allergies are hereditary. 3. The best way to learn, is to ask questions.
Today in math we were learning about rounding numbers.
In Drama we are interviewing the Partner that we got to ask them questions about themselves and you have to memorize it.
Right now in Grammar we are learn about homographs. An example of a homograph is top. Like the top that spins or the top of a house.
In science we are going out side to learn about the creek and see all of the livening and none livening things in the creek.
In math we are learning about place values.
We are reading a book called Hatchet in our class.It is about a boy named Brian who is going to see his dad in a bush plane in Canada.Him and the pilot are flying there. His pilot has a heart attack so Brian has to land the plane by him self and doesn't know very much about landing the plane.